4 Reasons Why You Should Attend a TEDx Conference

4 Reasons Why You Should Attend a TEDx Conference

Posted on: ย Jun 12, 2023 10:32 AM (T+00:00)

Posted by: ย MD. Samin Yeasir Hasan

The speakers at the TEDx conference are the best ones in their respective fields. Speakers talk about new ideas supported by concrete evidence which are relevant around the globe. Listening to them speaking on the stage can be a true game changing experience for you.

Usually the attendees in a TEDx conference are intelligent, engaging and diverse. They are genuinely interested in listening to the best talks by the experts. All of this will give you tons of personal as well as professional experiences. As a matter of fact, the speakers will make you feel smart, especially when you stand up before them and ask questions.

The format of a TEDx conference is totally non-monotonous. The format is such that the attendee has the opportunity to build a network with the speakers. Moreover, the diversity among the speakers makes it very engaging.

The talks in a TEDx conference are such that you will learn something new in every talk. Not all talks may change your life, but you will still find one that can change your life in one way or the other. The fact of the matter is that TEDx events will help you be a better person. Most people say the same thing.

See you at TEDxRUET!
March 24, 2022 at RUET Auditorium.
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